
The Best Men’s Beard Care Tips for an Awesome Beard

  • By - Sphinx Beard

Gaining an awesome beard requires the proper care tips, whether you’re a fast or slow grower. Long doesn’t always mean luscious and healthy if it looks unkempt, dry, or unstyled. Here are some of the best men’s beard care tips to grow the perfect facial scruff you’ve always wanted.

Wash It Properly

Good grooming is a men’s beard care tip that should never be ignored. It is a must when aiming for a good amount of facial hair, just like the right shampoo, conditioner, and washing routine turns your frizzy crown into a glorious work of art.

Regarding your beard, shampoo and condition at least two to three times a week depending on how humid or arid your region is. The more humid, the more you should wash and vice versa.

Beard care starts with your face, so it makes sense to start with the essential tool you have—the one you were born with. When you wake up, the first thing you want to do is splash some water on your face. Warm water gently opens up your pores, making washing your face a lot easier.

Now, this doesn’t mean you should be hopping into the shower or jumping into the sink. You want to avoid the latter since your beard is sensitive and will be stressed out by the warm water hitting it, so you don’t want to rush the process.

Instead, use a warm, wet washcloth and hold it to your face for a few seconds. This will open up your pores and make the rest of the steps easier. You can also take this time to shave your neck area and upper cheeks slowly.

After you get out of the shower and dry yourself off, you should have some time to relax before heading back out into the world. But first: brush your teeth!

Groom It

Men’s beard care starts with your hygiene routine and continues with your grooming regimen, including products that stimulate hair growth.

Aside from beard-specific detergents, other grooming items you must use our beard butter to add nutrients and further soften your skin, a brush with natural bristles (such as boar hair), and beard oil for untangling and better volume. These are just some of the best men’s beard products that promote proper growth.

When getting your facial whiskers trimmed or shaved, ensure your barber has straight-edge shaping scissors to cut everything equitably.

Live It

Perhaps the best men’s beard care tip is to live it out! Growing a healthy beard starts with a few simple steps: we recommend you practice healthy habits such as exercise and nutrition to ensure your body sends the proper nutrients to your facial hair. 

Trust us, we’ve seen the guys who don’t take care of their health, and the results are usually the same: an unhealthy, unkempt beard. A poor diet, lack of sleep, and poor hygiene can lead to a gross, sickly-looking beard. 

It’s not necessary to try to achieve a chiseled jawline or physique like Captain America, though. Just try your best to stay active, and your beard will, too.

Don’t forget to sleep a full, proper eight hours every night, too! And no, we’re not talking morning to morning. We’re talking full-on 9 PM to 5 AM sleep! It’s essential to sleep for at least eight hours every day to allow your body to rest. This will help your beard grow thicker, longer, and faster.

One Final Tip: Be Patient

Like living a healthy lifestyle of exercise, proper diet, and sleep, it takes time to build a bodacious beard. Start and stay in the habit and, pretty soon, you’ll have women wanting to be with you and men wanting to be with you with the facial scruff you’ve worked so hard to grow.

For more of the best men’s beard care tips and products, visit Sphinx Beard right now! We use the highest quality ingredients like Egyptian jojoba oil, Moroccan argan oil, and Indian castor oil to provide the utmost complete beard care products that nourish a man's skin and beard like no other.

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