man hair

5 Most Recommended Solutions For Split Ends in Men’s Hair

  • By - Sphinx Beard

Split ends are a hair problem for both men and women. Although it is an issue more frequently seen in long hair, it can also manifest in men’s hair, usually short and coarse. Therefore, battling split ends is a common cause for everybody who aims for healthy and conditioned hair.

We’ve seen recommendations for keeping split ends from happening, but most suggestions work only for women. Since men are always on-the-go, their split end treatments should also be quick and easy to do. But what are the most recommended solutions for split ends in men’s hair? Here are some ideas.

1. Use Gentle Shampoo

According to various sources that have tackled the issue of split ends, shampoo is responsible for the problem. Spend more on your shampoo and avoid those that are too cheap and common. As much as possible, use those that have no sulphates, no parabens, and are formulated for men.

However, some say that shampoos with many ingredients are also not suitable for men’s hair. The verdict, not all shampoos are created equal. Some are better than others. You just have to know what the ingredient list entails to buy the right one.

2. Moisturize Using Beard Oils

If you want to use moisturising products for your hair, consider beard oils. Although it is used for men’s facial hair, it can be used for the hair. The ingredients in beard oils will also help keep your hair stronger and healthier, which contributes to keeping the split ends at bay.

Since there are a lot of beard oils out there, pick the right one. It is the only way to improve your split end problems and make your hair more manageable. Beard oils in the market usually say what they will do and the benefits. Just check the label before you purchase one.

3. Skip Using the Blow Dryer

Blow drying your hair every day can make it weak and brittle. Moreover, hair that is too dry also quickly develops split ends. You can skip using the blow dryer and rely on air drying your hair. The hair will naturally dry because of the blowing wind. It will also help in fighting the problem of split ends.

4. Avoid Combing Too Much

If you want to grow your hair, you have to let it grow without cutting. But for it to look presentable, you have to comb it now and then. But you have to do this correctly. Try to use your fingers instead of a comb. It will help in preventing damage caused by the comb. If you still have to use a comb, comb your hair by section. This way, you can combat split ends effectively.

5. Lessen Hair Coloring

If you colour your hair, you are prone to have split ends. In fact, the more you colour it, the more problems you will have. But if you do have to apply hair colour, you have to use the best product for your hair. Ensure that you combine the hair colour with a shampoo with the correct formulation. This way, your hair will be conditioned enough to fight split ends.


Split ends can be a nightmare for both men and women. But at the same time, it is easy to prevent them from happening. All men have to do is be aware of what might cause split ends. They also have to know what to avoid, for there will be no split ends in sight.

Sphinx Beard aims to help men find the best options for keeping their hair healthy. Our beard oil for men helps keep facial hairs maintained, tamed, and looking luscious. Meanwhile, our other products are the best beard products for men. Check out our beard oil sample pack by shopping on our website today.

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